With over 15 years of experience in counseling, social pedagogy, and life & business coaching, I specialize in wellness & health.
I am not just a coach; I am a passionate, empathic, and intuitive guide who connects deeply with your needs and aspirations.
My commitment to understanding the human mind and overcoming life's challenges is driven by a genuine desire to see you thrive. This journey is not just about finding answers; it's about discovering a path to a happier, healthier you – and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

My coaching style is personalized, intuitive, and practice-oriented. Together, we'll uncover and address your blind spots — those behaviors, beliefs, and thoughts that impede your progress. I guide my clients in shedding old patterns and adopting new practices aligned with their deepest values and goals.
Implementing actionable strategies is a key aspect of my approach, offering tools you can use immediately in daily life. As your coach, I provide accountability and continuous support, ensuring your journey is productive and fulfilling.
Coaching is more than a process; it's a commitment to self-improvement. When you embark on this journey and actively engage in self-growth, both your internal and external worlds transform.
Curious about the types of inquiries people reach out with? COACHING INQUIRIES
Certified ICF ACC Life & Wellness Coach,
Certified Systemic Coach: 'From The Ground Up with Stephanie'
ICF ACC Certified Life and Wellness Coach, Canada Coach Academy
64 ICF ACSTH (International Coaching Federation Approved Coach Specific Training Hours) CLICK HERE
Certified Systemic Coach, 940 Hours of Training, Austria Balance Academy
Certified Balance Kinesiologist, Family Constellation Bert Hellinger
220 Hours of Training, Austria Balance Academy
Certified Yoga Instructor, 200 Hours, Downward Dog Yoga Centre Toronto, ON
Certified Social Pedagogue, social work, 3 years of study, Graz/Austria