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Writer's picturestephaniekollmann

👉🏼 Lets talk about VULNERABILITY

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

In my coaching sessions, I have noticed that the underlying theme that often arises is vulnerability. Many of my clients struggle with showing their vulnerable side to their loved ones or social circle. This is a big theme that can have a significant impact on our relationships and our overall well-being.

We often feel the pressure to present a perfect image of ourselves to the world. Showing vulnerability can be difficult for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it goes against our natural instinct to protect ourselves from harm or judgment. We may fear that showing vulnerability will make us appear weak, inadequate, or open to criticism. We strive to appear strong, capable, and in control. However, in reality, we all have vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and insecurities that we try to hide.

  • But what if we embraced vulnerability instead of hiding it?

  • What if we allowed ourselves to be imperfect and let others see our struggles?

Being vulnerable can build trust and empathy. When you share your struggles you can create a deeper level of connection and can encourage others to open up as well. When you share your own vulnerabilities, it can make others feel more comfortable sharing their own struggles. Showing vulnerability requires a level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It can be challenging to identify and communicate our own emotions and struggles in a way that is honest and authentic, while also being appropriate for the situation.

Overall, showing vulnerability requires courage and a willingness to step outside of our comfort zones. It's important to remember that vulnerability is not a weakness, but rather a strength that can lead to deeper connections and understanding with others.

Book: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy (Author)

WHAT IF vulnerability was a SUPERPOWER, 

If vulnerability was seen as a superpower, it would change the way we approach communication and relationships. Rather than hiding our feelings and putting on a brave face, we would be encouraged to be honest and vulnerable with others.

Here are some things that might change if vulnerability was seen as a superpower:

We would be more authentic: When vulnerability is seen as a superpower, we would be more likely to be our true selves around others. We would feel empowered to share our thoughts and feelings openly, knowing that it can deepen our connections with others.

We would have deeper connections: Vulnerability can help build deeper connections with others. When we share our thoughts and feelings with others, it can create a sense of intimacy and trust that can be difficult to achieve otherwise.

We would be more empathetic: When we are vulnerable with others, it can help us develop empathy and understanding. When we share our struggles and challenges with others, it can help us relate to their experiences and build a deeper sense of connection.

We would be more resilient: Vulnerability can help build resilience and strength. When we are willing to be vulnerable, we are better able to face challenges and bounce back from setbacks.

We would be more accepting of others: When we are vulnerable with others, it can help us accept others for who they are. When we share our struggles and challenges with others, it can help us recognize that everyone has their own struggles and challenges.

In conclusion, if vulnerability was seen as a superpower, it would change the way we approach communication and relationships. We would be more authentic, have deeper connections, be more empathetic, be more resilient, and be more accepting of others. By embracing vulnerability, we can unlock our own superpower and build more meaningful connections with those around us.

Let's break down the walls of perfectionism and embrace the power of vulnerability!

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